About Me

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Salem, VA, United States
I use this space for discovering and honing my passion for writing and sharing the best moments of my life. I'm a sister, a best friend, a roommate, a girlfriend, a writer. I'm a dreamer, a chocolate eater, a runner, a giver, a shopper. A reader and a hopeless romantic. I write when I can, I sleep when I can and love purple. Come share in my special moments and new adventures as life and love unfold for this twenty-something optimist.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

1. Make a Bucket List

This may be a little cliche but as I'm planning out my schedule for my last semester of undergrad (and thus, preparing for graduation), I think it's time to put down on paper (or on blog, as it may be), my 'bucket list'. I've always have a few things I've wanted to do and as I realize how much I can do and all the time I have ahead of me, I think I'm going to expand that even more. And they say, if you write down (or type up) your goals, dreams, aspirations, you are more likely to achieve them as you have something to hold you accountable. I decided, instead of writing it down in one of my many notebooks to hide away, I'll post it here to share with family and friends. This way, I can be encouraged and maybe even assisted in my goals for the future.

Now this is subject to change, but only in the sense that I will probably be adding to it. They are numbered, but do not fall in any order of significance.

1. Ride an elephant (now who saw that coming?)
2. Visit and explore Africa 
3. Be published in a nationally recognized newspaper
4. Travel to Asia
5. Speak a language fluently (I'm getting there)
6. Learn to gracefully drive a manual car (stop laughing)
7. Write and publish a book
8. Attend an Olympic event
9. Learn to sew a fitted dress (and other fun clothing/accessories)
10. Attend fashion week in Paris
11. Scuba dive in the Caribbean
12. Get my masters in Communication
13. Read an original writing at a conference (sending good vibes to Sigma Tau Delta Conference judges...)
14. Go to Times Square for New Years Eve
15. Have an adventure

Now that is not all, but I have to go to class. I'll be adding to and crossing off items. Some will be soon, I hope, others I will have lots of fun saving for, planning and achieving as I continue through life. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm in for numbers .... 1-5, 7-11 and I can help with numbers 6 and 9. Shall we start your scrapbook like we have one for Mom?
