About Me

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Salem, VA, United States
I use this space for discovering and honing my passion for writing and sharing the best moments of my life. I'm a sister, a best friend, a roommate, a girlfriend, a writer. I'm a dreamer, a chocolate eater, a runner, a giver, a shopper. A reader and a hopeless romantic. I write when I can, I sleep when I can and love purple. Come share in my special moments and new adventures as life and love unfold for this twenty-something optimist.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Spotlight on Christmas

I started listening to Christmas earlier than I usually, which is still later than most people. While I LOVE Christmas time, I have a problem with celebrating it too early.  The season lasts longer than most anyway so there's no reason for decorations and carols before December 1st.  I also avoid Black Friday shopping, mostly because I value my life.

Instead, I've started my shopping in spurts online and in short trips to the mall. I'm not really in any hurry.  But now with one week left of classes and exams to finish soon after that, I'm more than ready for some celebrating! My pre-exam weeks this semester have been a lot more tolerable than some, but the stress is starting to build with last minute assignments and of course the looming exams which seem to only get harder as we learn more and more.

I'm super excited I get to work over break. I know that sounds like a drag, but I need the money. But it will also be a new adventure for me because I'll be employed in the HR department of Shentel instead of Customer Service where I have spent the last year and half.  My new boss actually hunted down Mom to find out my plans for break and hoped to get a hold of me before anyone else did. It's nice to have a GOOD reputation in a place like that. :)

Also, Becca and her beautiful children will be moving back to the states after 3 years in Germany.  While I loved being able to visit her and a foreign country, it will be great having her in the same time zone.  She'll be just a few hours and text message away whenever I need my big sister.  Not to mention, we get watch her kiddies grow up in person instead of Skype.

With a successful and happy Thanksgiving just passed a wonderful holiday season looming, I can't help but smile through these next few tormenting weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! Can't wait to be so close by! And I still stand firm by my decision to not start preparing for Christmas until Advent starts, since, that is the whole point of Advent, preparing for the celebration of Christ's birth.
